The adventures that come with raising three boys and the honost feelings that come from missing our precious girl.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mr. President

President Obama visited our little town today. It was a big deal, with nearly 500 police officers positioned all over town (one in my sisters driveway), secret service all over, bomb sniffing dogs, and snipers on the middle school roof top. I dressed the boys in red, white and blue and we headed out to see the action up close at my sisters. (She lives right across the street from where the helicopters actually landed!)

I don't exactly see eye to eye with President Obama but it was fun to see Air force One fly in right over our heads and to have Marine One fly in and land right across the street! That sort of thing doesn't happen everyday!

The boys thought it was cool to see all the police cars, motorcycles, and helicopters. Maybe someday they will look back on all these pictures and think it was cool that the President of the United States of America came to their town and they got to see it!


  1. That is dang cool. Who cares that it was the president (heard it was a publicity thing and hardly anyone got an invite) the helicopters and all the other stuff must have been cool to see, and hey, the president came to Wakarusa, who thought anyone knew about Wakarusa but us? My kids would have loved all the police cars and stuff too.

  2. I don't see eye to eye with Mr. President either, but that is very cool!

  3. AMAZING photos!!!!!!!! And I love that you dressed the boys in red, white & blue.

  4. Jamie, those are awesome pictures! I'm sure they will be talking about it for weeks. They look absolutely adorable in their red, white and blue. Give them a big hug and kiss from Nana.

  5. This is Tia Bennett, my husband was your teacher- Joe Bennett. I recognized the house you were standing at for all of the action. Does your sister live in our old house, or where the Sellers lived? When we saw Shelley's pictures we thought our old place would have been a great place to see all the action. It was neat to hear Wakarusa in the news down here in Indy last week.
    I enjoy your blog- your boys are beautiful. I got here from Shelley's blog and Rob Henchen's.
    tia bennett
