The adventures that come with raising three boys and the honost feelings that come from missing our precious girl.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Things are crazy around here right now. We have a ton of stuff going on and it's all happening at the same time. I feel like a stressed out, worn out, unorganized mess at the moment and it's about to get worse. We head down to Indy on Sunday night with just Evan. We will be there for 3 days for doctor appointments and tests. Those kind of trips are not my favorite. He will be getting a 23 hour EEG, seeing the Neurologist, and were adding a new specialist now, Endocrinology. We are also throwing another test in at the lab while we're there, for good measure. (ha, ha)

But, since I would really prefer not to think about all that I'm going to post some pictures of the boys several weeks ago. They make me smile and I need that today!

I bought goggles on sale at Dollar General and thought it would be fun to let the boys try them out in the tub. They agreed.

HA! That one cracks me up! Ahhhh, I feel better now:)


  1. It's good when we can take our minds off of the appoinments. We have a few coming up too. Love the cute, hard not to make you smile...

  2. Those are great! We have just started putting all three boys in the tub sometimes. So much fun...and wet! :)

  3. Cute! I hope your trip to Indy went well!
