The adventures that come with raising three boys and the honost feelings that come from missing our precious girl.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Here, but not really.

I've been sitting at my computer, staring at a blank page trying to think of something to write. I've already written and erased an entire post. I'm just not feeling it. I'm in some sort of haze that I can't seem to break free of. I'm having a hard time moving past my Annie post. Annie started a new grieving cycle for me. It's good and hard at the same time. Don't give up on me. I'll be back with other posts that are happy and fun but right now, I'm just not feeling it.


  1. And I'm sitting here, trying to know what to comment and can't come up with anything either. I just love you.

  2. just reading this, but will plan to pray for you tonight. its so difficult to walk through moments (especially death) that open our grieving cycle again. i'm so sorry...please keep posting..even if its not happy and isn't always that and that's ok. love you friend.

  3. I was just telling my sister the other day that I don't feel like a blogger right now. I feel tired, and I know the blank screen well. Just not inspired, and my life doesn't seem humorous or even exasperating right now, it seems tired. I was so moved by your Annie post, and Sarah's (and your) continuing bravery to keep moving every day. What a great example you are. Praying for you both.

  4. You're on my heart and in my prayers.
