The adventures that come with raising three boys and the honost feelings that come from missing our precious girl.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Did you know?

This little guy started preschool at the beginning of the month.  He goes two mornings a week.  Do you know that means I have an hour and a half two mornings a week without ANY kids at home?  It has taken me off guard and I like it but it's weird at the same time.  It should mean that I have more time for getting things done around the house or actually updating my blog, but so far it just means I'm basking in the loveliness of quiet and doing nothing.  I know I will probably miss all the noise once my boys are grown but right now I am loving my hour and a half two mornings a week!

1 comment:

  1. awwww. that's such a cute picture! dylan started preschool too. it's crazy it's just an hour and a half. dylan is gone for 3 hrs on his days. and i'm with you..with double the time i should be accomplishing a lot (although i do get groceries one of those days, easier with one kid at least). but i find myself just playing with grahm, soaking in the alone time with him..or doing nothing..i say good for you :)
