The adventures that come with raising three boys and the honost feelings that come from missing our precious girl.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Colin turned three last Friday.  He's big now, definitely not a baby.  We are so blessed to have this boy.  He brings so much laughter and joy to our family.  He loves his brothers and is very much a daddy's boy.  In fact, many times when I tell him that I love him, he says, "I wuv daddy".  I don't take it too personal.  He happens to be starting three on the wrong foot, with an attitude to big for his little body, but I'm sure he will come around.  How can I think otherwise when I'm staring at this face?!

We love our little three year old buddy!


  1. Oh my goodness. He's three going on 30.

  2. really cute! can't believe he's 3 already!!! still pictured him as little as his pic on the right. glad i'm not the only one with a child too big for his britches (in my case it's my 20 month old haha)

  3. man, cupcakes AND playmobil?!? I am jealous of this kid's B-day!! ;-) great post :-)

  4. your kids are so handsome!
    I'm here because Flower Patch Farmgirl mentioned that I could talk to one year old son has low muscle tone, and frankly I'm not sure exactly what that means for the long haul. We started PT this past week, and I'm wondering if it will even help, and if I should even be freaking out about this (not that I can help it really)...I would have emailed you but I couldn't find it...Help! :)
