The adventures that come with raising three boys and the honost feelings that come from missing our precious girl.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Let the fun begin!!!

We Love Summer!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

A good excuse for some fun

Evan had a neurology appointment in Indianapolis last week.  The kind of appointment that you drive three hours for and it only lasts twenty minutes and the doctor says, "Keep doing what you're doing and we'll see you back in about six months.  Oh, and why don't we set up a MRI for you since it's been a while."  Blah.  It did give us a good excuse to surprise the kids and make this seemingly, miserable trip into a fun one.  We had some Marriott Rewards points burning a hole in our pockets so we decided to drive down the evening before Evans appointment and stay the night in a hotel and get in some swim time.  This happens to rank right up with Disney World where our kids are concerned.

Then we took it up another notch and took them to the children's museum for the day until time for the doctor.  It was fun, fun, fun and the boys are at such good ages for it.  No strollers or diaper bag! They loved the Bob the Builder exhibit, the playscape area, the carousal, and of course, the dinosaurs!  It was so nice to feel like we were going to Indy for fun and just happened to stop by the Neurologist on our way out of town. 

Friday, May 14, 2010


Colin turned three last Friday.  He's big now, definitely not a baby.  We are so blessed to have this boy.  He brings so much laughter and joy to our family.  He loves his brothers and is very much a daddy's boy.  In fact, many times when I tell him that I love him, he says, "I wuv daddy".  I don't take it too personal.  He happens to be starting three on the wrong foot, with an attitude to big for his little body, but I'm sure he will come around.  How can I think otherwise when I'm staring at this face?!

We love our little three year old buddy!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

For the love

I really do want to blog.  I want to post something at least once every couple of weeks.  I get on the computer and read everyone else's blogs.  I make mental notes of things I want to blog about.  Then I fail miserably to follow through.  But here I am and I'm resolving to do better. 

I'm going to try and cover some of what has happened since I last posted....3 months ago (for the love)!  This should be quick and painless but I just won't feel right about not at least mentioning some of this.  Deep breath, and: 

Evan had his 7th birthday. We celebrated our little hearts out, he deserved it. : : The 8th anniversary of Lauren's death came and went.  There were tears but there was also hope, I'm still learning this. : : Our newest little nephew, Silas, came and captured our hearts. : : We celebrated Easter. I made resurrection rolls with the boys. We colored eggs and had an egg hunt. We talked a lot about Jesus. : :  We went to the zoo. We went to the park. We picnicked. : : I worked at and shopped at the Children's Resale at the Wakarusa Missionary church. : : Jacob had his Kindergarten round up. He is so excited and so ready. : : Maple Syrup Festival, garage sale, library story time, more park, more picnics. : : Matt had his 32nd birthday. We celebrated our little hearts out, he deserved it. : : We planned a garden. : : We are in the middle of a landscape project. : : We are in the middle of a little kitchen makeover, which is making me want to do a whole house makeover. : : Matt and I managed to sneak away for the weekend sans kids. We should really do that more often. : : Parks, picnics, field trips.

I'm leaving one thing out. I did it on purpose, because it just can't be thrown into the mix with everything else.  Somewhere in the midst of all of these happenings (and many more), Evan and Jake gave their hearts to Jesus. I'm tearing up just writing about it now.  I'm so proud of them.  Evan made the decision first one night after our Bible story. I knew his heart was getting ready and that night he prayed and asked Jesus to live in his heart. After his prayer he looked down his shirt to talk to Jesus in his heart. Oh the faith of a child.  Jacob had a few more questions and waited a few weeks, but since his prayer I have noticed a real difference in his heart. As young as they are, I just don't think I expected much but I should have known better. Jesus is really working on, in and through my kids and I think it's awesome.

Coming soon: Evans new computer. Gardening. House face lift. Kitchen makeover. Colin's birthday (he'll be 3 on Friday!). Pictures. Pictures. Pictures. Stay tuned:)