It's no secret that things don't come easy for my Evan. He has to work HARD to accomplish whatever he may be doing. His fine motor skills have always been the hardest. Imagine trying to write, eat with a spoon, button your pants, zip your jacket or stack blocks with two oven mitts on each hand. That is what Evans occupational therapist says it's like for him. Not easy.
Obviously, pencil and paper learning isn't the best way for Evan so we, along with the school, had to come up with a different way for him to accomplish the same things. He loves computers but he can't seem to make the connection between what he is doing with the mouse and what was happening on the monitor. So the solution was a touch screen.
I think I cried every time I watched him using it for the first few weeks we had it. I just had never seen him so confident and independent. I realized that this could be THE tool that helps Evan learn and allows him to express himself.
Evan doesn't really fit into any mold and we are just learning as we go, how best to help him. School is a tricky place for a kid like Evan but I think we are heading in the right direction and that's a good place to be. I'm so proud of Evan and I think this will open up a whole new way for him.